Job Links

We are pleased to provide you with comprehensive listings of Web Sites providing job listings and job search services.

General Job Search Links:

The Network for Preferred Career Opportunities. Premiere site for experienced professionals to seek and be sought for high paying executive job positions. All jobs over $100,000.
 America's Job Bank
Public Employment Service site which pools state Employment Service office listings from all participating states.
 Career Builder
Comprehensive job search tools together with career information resources.
 Career Explorer
Their description: The Number One Resource for Career Training Opportunities. View career descriptions, choose the career for you, find a school, and get answers to financial aid, career placement, vocational and career education questions.
 Career Hunters 
Resume hosting service with several enhancements. Their description:
A unique career guide packed with thousands of top national and regional career sites, ultra-categorized to jump start any job search. Features weekly articles from career experts, free resume web pages and templates, and the only selective and free web resume directory. 
 Career Magazine
Daily downloads of all the job postings from the major internet jobs newsgroups combined with articles in an electronic magazine format.
 Career Mosaic
Network of U.S. and International employers and job listings, as well as job search resource information.
At this site, scan major newspapers' job ad's.
 Colorado Online Job Connection
For the best jobs in Colorado, join us on the Colorado Online Job Connection.
 Executive Resume Writing
Find Your New Job Faster With A Professional Resume From Our Executive Resume Writers.
 FA Jobs
Your online resource for Jobs!
Contact international job seekers and employers around the world. We connect companies with highly-skilled professionals every day.
 JobBank USA
Specializes in providing employment networking and information services to job candidates, employers and recruitment firms in the U.S. and worldwide.
Partners with college and university career centers. Offers full-time jobs, part-time jobs, temporary jobs and internships for college students and alumni.
 Monster (Job) Board
Matches job seekers to offerings. Provides job-search related services.
 About Career Education
This website helps you to build your career and offers you career advice to implement a career change.
 NationJob Network
Easy-to-use, on-line job search service with company profiles. Offers a free auto-match and notice service, "PJ Scout" .
 OCC - Online Career Center
Specializes in employer advertising, and outplacement services.
 Quintessential Career and Job-Hunting Resources Guide
Offers advice about cover letters, résumés, and self-marketing; more links.
 Technical Schools - Tech Schools / Training
Technical Schools Search dot com offers you the ability to search for tech schools and technology training at a technology school near you.
Psychology-based interview advice for college grads.

Industry-Specific Links:
Industries: Banking & Financial Industry
Primary Services: Jobs database with over 18,000 positions, an up-to-date resume database, and extensive links to career and banking sites.
 Brilliant Sales
Industries: Sales
Primary Services: Quick & relevant results covering all major
US and Canadian cities. Get a better sales job today.
Industries: Technical, Professional, Managerial
Primary Services: Searchable database and job-matching.
Industries: Technical Professionals
Primary Services: Submit your resume to a computer professional career job center for IT/IS computer programming professionals, matching your skills to the best jobs nationwide.
 Home Business Mania
Industries: Home Business
Primary Services: Work at Home Based Business Opportunity. Become A Millionaire While Working At Home!.
 J.L. Nixon Consulting
Industries: Insurance and Managed Care
Primary Services: Personnel/career consulting and executive search.
 MonsterHealthcare (Produced by the Monster Board)
Industries: Healthcare
Primary Services: Searchable database and career advice
Industries: Travel and Tourism
Primary Services: Job and resume posting board for employment in US travel and tourism. Online search facilities for employers and job seekers both locally and nationally.

How To Link To Us
We are pleased to link to quality Job and Career sites which provide substantial content and services to job seekers. Our link list is not a "Free for All," and we reserve the right to choose which sites appear on the Job Links pages.
Please contact us to establish a mutual link; we will respond within one week; we will review the requesting site during that interval. Link to Job-Bridge using one of the options shown below, and we will represent the link to your site in an equivalent manner, with similar emphasis. To assist you, we provide link code snippets below. Feel free to modify the code, so long as the general appearance and meaning is maintained.
Option #1 appears like this:
The Career Specialists
Copy and paste the following code on your page:
<center> <a href="">
<img width=392 height=72 border=0
alt="REV Up Your Career with Job-Bridge"><br>
<font size=2>The Career Specialists</font><br>
Option #2 appears like this:
JOB-BRIDGE ® - Award Winning Help from The Career Specialists 
Copy and paste the following code on your page:
<font size=3>
<a href=""><b>JOB-BRIDGE</b></a> &reg;
<b> - Award Winning Help from The Career Specialists</b><br>