Confidential Career Counseling

Wilson McLeran, Inc. specializes in career counseling and transition consulting.
We provide counseling both for individuals and for groups.
We serve a broad base of clients, particularly through our work with human resource professionals.
For a more complete description of Job-Bridge® clients that utilize our services -as well as our expertise– see WHO WE ARE.
As we suggest elsewhere on this site, check out anyone you might consider as a career counselor — this includes us.

Confidential Career Counseling For Individuals
To arrange for a confidential counseling session, describe your situation or problem in an email message ( ), or call us at 800.562.9646. If you choose email, use caution in making disclosures about yourself or anyone else.
Relatively simple questions and problems can be handled quickly—often in just one telephone conversation or exchange of email messages. There is no charge for our services in such instances.
More complex issues obviously take longer. In these cases, an hourly fee is charged, but always negotiated up front—with satisfaction guaranteed.

Confidential Career Counseling For Groups
Wilson McLeran’s group counseling is conducted in two disparate forums:
• Human resource outplacement assignments, conducted to relieve stress and help employees who are recent victims of corporate downsizings to cover all aspects of the termination and subsequent job-search experience. [See Corporate Outplacement under Services and Products.]
• Student career job-search seminars, often conducted by college or university placement professionals in conjunction with the viewing of the job-search video Interview to Win Your First Job.