Bridge Job Loss

ACCEPTING that you have no job may be the most difficult part of losing a job. But until you reach this plateau, you cannot be an effective job seeker. Here are a few things that can go wrong, along with suggestions for getting back on track:

- Victims of job loss usually experience shock, anger, denial, relief, and depression–sometimes all of these–before they are able to accept their situation. Knowing this may help you deal with your situation.

- Get at least a half hour of exercise every day. You'll feel better physically, and more in control.

- Dealing with a cash crunch: Everybody suffers after losing a paycheck, some more than others, obviously. Do all you can to reduce the impact of reduced income.

- Check with your former employer to be sure you have received all severance benefits coming to you. If you have a doubt, call a lawyer knowledgeable about such matters.

- Job loss can produce family friction. Know how to recognize and deal with it. Maintain family communications, and at the same time set up "wartime" family rules to accommodate new job-search schedules and phone calls.

Solutions we offer:
Job Search Links
Recommended internet sites providing job listings and job search services.

Career Counseling
Confidential Career Counseling.

Interview To Win Job Interview Video

Executive Job Search Handbook
All You Need to Know to Make Your Move.