Who We Are

Wilson McLeran, Inc. has produced and delivered Job-Bridge products, job interview videos, and career transition programs since 1988.
• We publish award-winning job interview videos, career search books, and multimedia programs.
• We work online with men and women who need career management assistance – to find a better position, recover from a recent job loss, or make a successful transition to a new career.
• We conduct corporate outplacement training programs for human resource executives, as well as outplacement counseling programs for employee victims of downsizing, both one-on-one and in groups of four to sixteen.
• We lead workshops for professional organizations, to upgrade job interviewing and other managing skills.

Where to Find Us
Wilson McLeran, Inc.
Corey Hill Road
P.O.Box 744
Saxtons River, VT 05154
Phone: 800.562.9646
Fax: 802.869.3111